Technical Skills


Here I have included some of the technologies I have used during my time in college and industry. It is not an exhaustive list, but it provides an insight into my skills.

I have extensive experience with the following languages and markup:

  • Java
  • C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript/JSON
  • PHP
  • Linux scripting


I am also familiar with the following technologies:

  • C
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • OpenGL
  • CUDA (for GPU programming)
  • Unity3D
  • Jenkins


I have also experimented with the following, but am by no means experienced:

  • Batch scripting
  • x86 Assembly
  • Maven


I have experience in both application development and web development, earned from my time in college, working in Ericsson, and from personal projects.

I have used source control methods such as GIT to manage my projects during my time in college. I am versed in Object Orientated Design, various planned software development processes and test driven development philosophies as well as agile methods of software development.

I am very capable with software such as the Microsoft Office suite, MS Visual Studio, and Eclipse, among others. While I mainly use Windows operating systems, I am also familiar with Linux distributions such as ARCH, Debian, Ubuntu, and SUSE. This includes virtualization and remote systems, as well as local systems.