

I am a recent graduate cropped-img_20151028_1135477_rewind.jpgof Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland. I successfully completed a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Design and Game Development, achieving a First Class Honors. Details on the course can be found here, while my modules and results can be viewed here.

I am driven, ready to learn, and capable of overcoming any challenges I might face. I feel that I can be a positive, hardworking addition to any workplace. I can be a strong member of a team, often stepping up to lead if there is a need for it. However, I am mostly technically orientated, and am more than willing to increase my knowledge in areas I am lacking, possessing a strong desire to learn.

I have experience in both application development and web development, earned from my time in college, working in Ericsson, and from personal projects.

I have a large interest in technology and gaming. I have built my own custom computer, and like to keep up to date on the new hardware and technology news. I also find myself not only playing games, but tinkering with them, trying to see what I can change using Assembly injections or loading custom modifications. This develops my problem solving capabilities and continues to build my knowledge in a vast array of technical areas. Playing games has also made me more aware of usability flaws in software. This is reflected in my work, where I attempt to make things as easy and transparent for the end user of my software as I possibly can.

Some of my non-technical hobbies include reading, and archery. I am a member of the archery society in Athlone Institute of Technology. I love to read, with some of my favorite genres being fantasy, sci-fi, and history. Whenever I have a few minutes to spare, I often open my Kindle app and read a few more pages.

You can view my industrial experience here, my technical skills here, or view some of my work in My Portfolio. Find my contact details in the Contact  page. You may also be interested in viewing my GitHub profile.